"My student will begin
pre-algebra in fall 2023."
This math intensive will includes a whole lot of math games to review basic arithmetic. Cards, dice, fraction manipulatives, geometric manipulatives! Also, students will learn strategies for mental math and improve their number sense.
When: August 15-17 from 8am-10am daily
Where: 28 Cherry Street in Masontown, WV
"My student will start
Algebra 1 in fall 2023."
Along with playing games to improve their speed and accuracy of arithmetic skills, students in this
math intensive will solve equations, evaluate expressions, and assess word problems. Also, they will work with a variety of algebraic and geometric manipulatives to improve their reasoning abilities
and overall number sense.
When: August 15-17 from 10am-noon daily
Where: 28 Cherry Street in Masontown, WV

"My student has finished Algebra 1 and will be starting
Algebra 2 in fall 2023."
Students in this math intensive will evaluate expressions, write equations, graph functions, solve quadratics, and assess word problems. They will play games to improve their speed and accuracy of computation and work with a variety of
manipulatives to improve their reasoning ability and overall number sense.
When: August 15-17 from 1pm-3pm daily
Where: 28 Cherry Street in Masontown, WV